Home Buyers/Owners


Transparency, efficiency, and unmatched local expertise are of the utmost importance to us to ensure your loan experience is smooth and successful. Whether it’s a pre-purchase consultation for a new home or the refinancing of your current residence, your needs are tantamount, and we structure our entire loan process to give you the best options available. HSTM completes a full needs analysis to integrate your mortgage into your overall financial plan. We also identify the information and documentation you need up front to eliminate surprises and roadblocks before closing. Understanding the regulations and requirements that have made the mortgage experience more cumbersome, HSTM arms you with loan products that put you in the best position for negotiating and securing your new home.

Home Buyers/Owners

Benefits include:

  • Unmatched local expertise
  • Front-end underwriting to eliminate surprises
  • Integrating your mortgage into your overall financial plan
  • A transparent process from beginning to end
  • A no-closing-cost customer-for-life refinance program, and much more

HSTM is connected to the community like no other lender in the Washington, D.C. area. Our local loan experience spans decades. With expertise and integrity as our guide, consumers’ needs are always our top priority.